Manchester Lakes Property Owners Association
Frequently Asked Questions
Update Jan 2021
Frequently Asked Questions
Update Jan 2021
1) What is the legal name of the Association?
Manchester Lakes Property Owners Association, Inc.
2) What are my voting rights in the Association?
Each Lot is entitled to one vote in all votes of the Members.
3) How much are my dues as a Member of the Association?
The Manchester Lakes Property Owners Association (MLPOA) collects dues on a quarterly basis. For the year 2025, dues are $1,300 per quarter. Dues are due on the 1st day of each calendar quarter, and considered late, with late fees and interest applied, after 30 days.
4) Are memberships in any other associations required?
Yes. Membership is also required in Wycliffe Country Club. By purchasing a home in the MLPOA, you automatically become a member of both Wycliffe and the MLPOA. Please contact Wycliffe directly for details on Membership fees, annual spending and required Owners Equity.
5) Is there a land lease or recreational lease?
6) Are there any pending lawsuits in expected to exceed $100,000?
No, not as of the Update date above.
7) What is required before I purchase or rent in the MLPOA?
Please complete and submit the application packet available on the home page of the website and contact Wycliffe for details on their requirements. Homes may be leased for no less than three months at a time, and no more than twice per year. Only the entire home can be leased, not smaller portions of it. All Leases must be pre-approved by the Board of Directors. Please use the application tab above to apply.
8) If a home is foreclosed on, is the mortgagee required to pay dues?
Yes, up to 12 months dues, per Florida Statutes. Some exceptions may apply to this.
9) How many Lots are in the MLPOA?
There are 150 Lots/Homes. All have been completed and Turnover from the Developer is complete.
10) When was the community built?
Construction was completed around 2004.
11) Is any part of the MLPOA used for commercial purposes?
No. The community is solely for residential purposes.
12) Is there a Board of Directors?
Yes. The Association is run by a 5-person Board of Directors. Terms expire on a rolling basis, with Elections held in October of each year. All Members are eligible to run.
13) Does the Association utilize a property management company?
Yes, the MLPOA is managed by Chateau Chaperones. Management can be reached at:
720 Lucerne Ave #1031
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
14) How are the Associations finances controlled?
Finances are managed by the property manager, with all expenses being approved by the Board of Directors. A Certified Public Accountant is retained to review the accounting on an annual basis. The Association uses accrual accounting for routine operating expenses and maintains reserve accounts for large expenses.
15) What is included in the Maintenance Fee?
Your quarterly dues to the MLPOA include the painting of the exterior of your home, roof, driveway and sidewalk cleaning, routine landscape maintenance (including regular mowing adjusted seasonally, once per month shrub & bush trimming, and landscape pest control & fertilization) and monthly irrigation checks as well as annual tree trimming. The Association also maintains the common areas within Manchester Lakes, including the entry signage, waterfall, and a portion of the fountain near Manchester Greens, as well as the lake water aerators. MLPOA also maintains the pool building and pool located within Manchester Lakes. The expenses for the pool area are, in part, shared with Manchester Greens, as is the use of the area.
16) What is NOT included in my dues?
The amounts charged by the MLPOA do not include the required Wycliffe dues. In addition to other items, they also do not include any plant replacements, equipment replacement (such as irrigation clocks or pumps, private pool equipment, etc.). They also do not include any work to the exterior of your home except that stated above, nor care or maintenance of private pools, paved decks and driveways, atrium plantings, etc.
17) Does any entity own more than 10% of the Association?
18) How do I obtain an estoppel to purchase a home?
Please use the Estoppel link on the home page of the website.
19) Are irrigation wells allowed?
Yes, with certain restrictions. The Architectural Review Application available on the website must be submitted prior to any well installation. All wells are required to have a rust inhibitor system attached. Please note that no wells were installed during the development of the community; irrigation was built into the municipal water system and is billed along with your home water bill through the City of Wellington Utility Department.
20) Who are the utility companies?
Owners are required to set up and pay for utilities as follows:
Water: Wellington Utility Department
Power: Florida Power & Light
Cable/Internet: These expenses are partially covered through the Wycliffe dues. Please contact Wycliffe for details.
21) May I use my own landscaper?
Yes, please contact the property manager to Opt-Out of community landscape services.
22) What is the area on the south side of the community between the homes and the golf course?
This natural wooded area was created as by the developer as a requirement of the county. It is not allowed to be landscape in the same manner as other parts of the community, as it is meant to be a natural buffer area. The Association is allowed occasional clean-out of deadwood and minor trimming only. We hope that you appreciate its natural Florida beauty as we do!
23) Is insurance included in my dues?
Insurance for the common areas of the community is included, but your home is not. You will need to provide your own insurance for your property.
24) Who do I contact for problems or service requests?
Please email service@chateauchaperones.com or call 561-320-1213 if service is need for any of the included items above.
25) When is refuse picked up?
Regular trash pickup is every Tuesday & Friday morning. Recycling & bulk pickup are on Tuesday mornings as well. All refuse should be properly bagged and in a covered trash can. Nothing should be placed at the curb prior to 6 PM on the evening before pick up. Other than during these times, all refuse containers must be stored in a garage or on the side of the home; out of view from the street. For further details or replacement recycle bins, contact Solid Waste Authority at 561-930-2727.
26) Are there parking restrictions?
Yes. No commercial vehicles, campers, trailers, motor homes, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers, etc. may be parked in the community. Service-related vehicles may be parked between 7 AM and 7 PM while servicing your home or making deliveries. No overnight parking of such vehicles is allowed. Pickup trucks are not allowed to be parked overnight in a driveway or on the street. Overnight parking on the street is prohibited for all vehicles. The pool parking lot may be used for overflow parking on an occasional, pre-approved basis. Please contact management to request this. Wycliffe enforces opposite-side parking at all times. On even-numbered months, park on the side of the street with even-numbered houses. On odd-numbered months, park on the odd side (during day-time hours).
27) Do I need pre-approval to make changes to the outside of my home?
Yes. All exterior changes require pre-approval by the Architectural Review Boards of both Manchester Lakes POA and Wycliffe. Please contact j.hand@wycliffecc.com for an application. This includes any painting, additions, adding a pool, patio, screen enclosure, changing the roof, changing landscaping, replacing windows, major landscape projects, etc.
Please note that this information is meant to be summary in nature only and is accurate to the best of our abilities as of the time of writing. Please refer to the community documents for more detailed information.